Huwebes, Nobyembre 5, 2015

Anti-smoking Campaign

Cigarettes are consumed by millions of people every day. It is taken by people for satisfaction or for contemplation. They consume lots of it without the knowledge of it being fatal. The ubiquity of the cigarettes is what makes it dangerous so Asia Pacific College (APC) has created an anti-smoking campaign to reach to students about harmful effects of smoking. Though APC has a smoking area, which is ironic, they plan to raise awareness to students about the several effects of smoking cigarettes.

On one hand, if APC is trying to reach out to students about trying to avoid smoking, it should not have provided a smoking area for students to take cigarettes. Other students who do not smoke are being affected by the second-hand smokes of the smokers. If APC is trying hard to persuade students not to smoke, it should not have built a smoking area that can be seen by all of the students. It is like APC is trying to tell other students to take cigarettes by flaunting the smokers outside. Better yet, they should not have built it at all.

On the other hand, APC is trying to convince students to stop smoking because of its harmful effects to the body. Carcinogen, a substance that can cause cancer, is found in a cigarette. It also has tar which is dangerous for the smoker’s body. Furthermore, it creates Carbon Monoxide which is hazardous for a smoker’s health and for the non-smoker if they inhale it.

With the information given, students should be influenced not to smoke. Students try smoking because it is a way to relinquish stress they are holding, but they do not realize that they are only giving themselves more problems by means of it. It is best for students to stop trying it so badly or to detach themselves of it.

1 komento:

  1. That's good. I hope you really understood the message of your blog. I also heard the news that after the seminar you already stopped smoking. Congratulations.
